The purpose of Central’s men’s ministry is to strengthen and spiritually develop men to become who God intended them to be … men of God.

All men are encouraged to be involved in the many programs and ministry opportunities made available. Whether it be ball games or Bible study, dinners or discipleship, reaching out to the community or the congregation, the men’s ministry seeks honor God by fulfilling the Great Command and Great Commission, loving our families and fellow man … becoming godly men.

“Watch, stand fast in the faith, be brave, be strong. Let all that you do be done with love.”
I Corinthians 16:13-14

We have different Bible studies, discipleship groups and events happening throughout the year. For more information contact the church office or check out the church calendar.

Men’s Activities
Attending local sporting events – Rays, Bucs, Lightning
Fellowship breakfasts
Serve congregation with our individual gifts
Men’s conferences
Disciple groups
Shooting range