When you visit Central Baptist Church, you will find a friendly, warm family. We are “just plain folks,” who have experienced love and forgiveness. Our focus and motivation is the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ. We want you to feel comfortable and accepted, no matter what your background. Our heart is to follow Jesus’ example, and not look at the outward appearance, but seek to look at the heart. As a body of believers, we seek to serve our Lord and serve each other and our community. It is our desire to reflect Christ to everyone.
Expect Imperfect People
We never want to give the impression that we are perfect and without problems. We have our desires and preferences, we laugh and we cry, we have our hopes and dreams, and we are just like everybody else. With all this being true, we know that Jesus provides the answer to all of our problems. We are sinners who have been forgiven and we desire others to be forgiven as well and live their lives for the glory of Jesus Christ.
Expect to Be Welcomed Just As You Are
You can dress comfortably when you worship with us. You will see some people in suits, ties and dresses, and then will meet others who are dressed much more casually. You don’t have to have a special wardrobe to fit in. Our philosophy is that Jesus wants first and foremost for you to be here, without outward encumbrances.
Expect to Worship
We worship God through Christ-honoring music, and a biblically-based sermon. We love to lift our hearts in song to our Lord. You will hear a mixture of traditional hymns, modern hymns, gospel songs and choruses. Everything in our service points to God’s Word and His work in our lives. We believe that Sunday is truly the Lord’s day and we come here to offer our sacrifice of praise to Him from whom all blessings flow.
Expect Something for Everyone
We believe the church is about making faithful followers of Christ and equipping them for being a Christian witness in the world they live. We offer small groups for all age groups that meet on Sunday at 9:45 and at various times and locations during the week.
Kids Central is the children’s ministry (preschool through 5th Grades). Though it might appear that our role is simply childcare or babysitting, we are much more than this. For us, children’s ministry is truly a ministry. Our mission at Kids Central is to lead children to a new life in God and to help them grow into passionate followers of Jesus Christ. We provide activities and services that are biblical, relational, safe and fun.